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Our Charter St.Peter Lutheran Church
St.Peter Lutheran Church
208 E.Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg, Illinois
Graciously charters our scouting units. These include Cub Pack196,
Scout Troop196, and Venture Crew196. St.Peter Lutheran Church is a member
of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.
In the early 1840's a group of German immigrants from the township of
Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany, settled in this area, which was originally
named "Sarah's Grove". They worshiped together in one of the local barns
until they formally established St. Peter Lutheran Church of Schaumburg,
Illinois in 1847. St.Peter Lutheran Church formally joined the Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod in 1860.
The original church and school (a little white building still standing
today) has been established as a Landmark and Museum and is situated just
north of the Historic Chapel. The Historic chapel, an all brick structure,
was built in 1863, during the height of Civil War. In fact, I have seen a
photo of a soldier recruitment event taking place in front of the church,
with band and all. The large "Red School" building situated along Schaumburg
Road, was built in 1888. The first section of the current school building
was constructed in 1960 with an additions in 1963 and 2000. The Historic
Chapel served as the main church for the congregation until 1995 when the
new church on Schaumburg Road was completed. In September of 2000 we have
dedicated and began holding classes in the new connecting building between
the new church and the updated school building.
Our church property spans some 30 acres which also includes a cemetary,
four staff homes, two parsonages, a picnic grove, and a playground. A brief
History of St.Peter Lutheran church of Schaumburg, Illinois is available
in the Church Narthex. Be sure to see The Official History
link in the menu.
The current senior administrative pastor of St.Peter Lutheran is the
Reverend David Hudak. The church office may be contacted at 847-885-3350.
If you wish to see the King James Vesion of the Bible on-line see...
www.-o-bible-com/kjv.html or,
Or just want to read more about the christian religion, see
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